Coronavirus Resources

How to Safely Resume Your Routine

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Planning Your Safe Return to Daily Activities

You know it's important to stay home when you're not feeling well, so you can rest up and avoid spreading germs. But once you start feeling better, it can be hard to know when it's OK to get back into your usual routine. As COVID-19 continues to spread, being extra careful when you're around other people will help everyone stay as healthy as possible.

When You Can Go Out if You Had COVID-19

If you were sick with COVID-19, continue your self-isolation until three things have happened:

  • You haven't had a fever for 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medicine)
  • Your symptoms are getting better
  • At least ten days have passed since your symptoms started

However, if you had a severe infection and were treated in the hospital, your doctor might recommend that you isolate for a longer period of time.

Resuming Your Routine After Having the Flu or a Cold

If you've had the flu, you can get back to your routine after:

  • You've taken the flu medication from your health care provider as directed (if applicable)
  • You haven't had a fever for 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medicine)
  • You no longer have any flu symptoms

If you've had a cold, cough or aches, it's best to wait until your symptoms go away before resuming your routine. It's also a good idea to:

  • Get a COVID-19 test, if you develop concerning symptoms
  • Get a flu test at Centra Care, if you develop flu symptoms
  • Limit your contact with others and keep a 6-foot distance
  • Monitor your symptoms daily
  • Wear your mask in public, if you need to leave home

Still Not Feeling Well?

We're here for you and your family seven days a week at Centra Care. If you don't feel well and want to see a health care provider, we can help give you answers, ease your mind and get you on the path to healing. Make an online reservation today at a Centra Care near you.

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