Health Care

New Year, New You: The Power of Knowing Your Numbers

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Regularly getting health screenings ensures that you and your employees stay healthy so that they can lead productive, fulfilling lives, both at work and at home. We offer biometric screenings as part of AdventHealth Centra Care’s onsite workplace health services for your convenience.

A biometric screening is a valuable assessment our providers use to capture an essential snapshot of your overall health. However, knowing these numbers and what they mean for your health can be challenging, leading many to avoid the screening.

We’re here to give you key insights about biometric screenings, what your numbers mean and the importance of regularly assessing your health so you can encourage your team to own their well-being.

What Is a Biometric Screening?

Biometric screenings serve as a snapshot of your overall health. It’s a set of tests run by a medical professional to get information on how the body is functioning. The exam usually takes 10 to 15 minutes, with results coming between one and two weeks. Your health care provider can decide what type of panel is most appropriate for you.

A basic panel screening includes a blood draw to assess your lipid and glucose levels. A trained medical professional will administer a venipuncture or finger prick blood draw to properly assess your lipids, glucose and cholesterol levels, including low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. It also evaluates your triglycerides and glutamic acid levels. An advanced panel checks these, too, while also checking your weight, height and body mass index.

What Do Your Numbers Tell You?

We know it can be confusing to know what biometric screening numbers mean, so we’re here to break it down.


One of the numbers evaluated is cholesterol, both LDL and HDL. LDL is referred to as the “bad” cholesterol because if you have too much of it, it can lead to plaque buildup, which increases your chances of developing heart disease. However, HDL is referred to as the “good” cholesterol. Its role is to absorb cholesterol from the blood and deliver it to the liver, which removes it from the body. If you have abnormal cholesterol levels, there usually aren’t symptoms to warn you. That’s why knowing your numbers is so important.


Triglyceride levels are also evaluated during your blood test in a biometric screening. These numbers tell you how much fat from extra calories in food is circulating in your blood. This is very important to know because if you have high triglyceride levels, you’re at a higher risk of developing health conditions like heart disease and pancreatitis.


Glucose levels are the last factor to be evaluated through your bloodwork. We naturally have sugar in our blood made to be transported to our cells through insulin produced by the pancreas. When this isn’t functioning properly, the result is high blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes.

Helping your employees understand what their numbers mean is a great step in helping them practice preventive health care.

Benefits of Biometric Screenings

As an employer, knowing what benefits biometric screenings offer your employees is important. The wealth of benefits include:

  • Aiding in setting health goals such as weight and diet management
  • Early detection of health issues
  • Employee engagement
  • Improving lifestyle choices
  • Personalized health plans
  • Promoting exercise
  • Reducing health care costs
  • Stress management

We know that, as an employer, you want what’s best for your team members. Biometric screenings benefit not only your employees but also your company as a whole. When you and your team are healthy, the quality of work improves, along with team morale.

These screenings are a good opportunity for them to check in with their health, leading them to take action when necessary. When your team members feel empowered in their health, they take charge of their well-being. Since the foundation of a company is its team members, their engagement in whole-person health is vital. We’re here to empower you with the knowledge, screenings and services you need for a healthier workforce

Your Partner in Health

A healthy workplace is a valuable one. With us, you have access to unlocking the full potential of your team while helping them feel whole in body, mind and spirit. To learn more about our services through AdventHealth Centra Care and how we can partner with you, contact us here. We’re honored to help you and your team members thrive.

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