Protect Your Child From Sun Damage Now to Prevent Cancer Decades Later
Imagine putting your hand on a hot burner and feeling the pain three hours later. That's what it's like to be sunburned, a delayed reaction that can be especially damaging to children who don't know...
Keeping Your Kids Safe Around Water
Spending time in a swimming pool, at the beach, or playing in water is a fun way to beat the heat and keep your kids active during the hot summer months. -
Rip Current Safety: What You Should Know
Building sandcastles with the kids. Relaxing on a beach chair beneath the shade of your beach umbrella. The sound of the waves lapping against the shore. The glistening of the water reflecting the sun...
Hurricane Season: Prepare Now to Stay Safe
With hurricane season in full swing, it's always smart to plan ahead and be ready if a storm hits. Here are some tips for what you can do now to decrease stress for yourself and your family when the... -
Rest vs. Sleep: Know the Difference for Whole Health
Feeling mentally foggy and physically sluggish is all too familiar for many of us. Our on-the-go lifestyles may make us feel productive, but when pushed too far, our accomplishments can come at the... -
Frequently Asked Questions - COVID-19 Testing at Centra Care (North Carolina)
Here are answers to frequently asked questions about COVID-19 antigen and PCR testing at Centra Care locations in North Carolina.
How to Keep Kids’ Brains Stimulated Over the Summer
School is out for the summer — and learning is the last thing on your kids’ minds. But as a parent, it’s natural to be concerned with a summer backslide. After all, a summer free of learning may cause... -
5 Tips to Avoid Heat Stress in Kids
Summertime is here, and that means the sun is out and temperatures are high While kids are looking forward to a summer vacation spent running, playing and exploring outside, as a parent there are... -
Frequently Asked Questions - COVID-19 Testing at Centra Care (Kansas)
Here are answers to frequently asked questions about COVID-19 antigen and PCR testing at Centra Care locations in Kansas.
Safety Tips for Running in the Heat
Summertime is right around the corner and that means long days that boast hot, humid, and rainy conditions. For most people, the change is welcome, for some it's an inconvenience, and for some it can...