Showing 211 - 220 of 239 results.
Taking Care of Your Spine
Your spine is one of the most important parts of your body for many reasons. You are able to bend and twist because of your spine. Your spinal cord has nerves that send electrical impulses to the... -
What You Need to Know About Probiotics
Probiotics are the secret to not just better health and a tougher immune system, but also for healing digestive issues, mental health problems, and neurological conditions. The reason probiotics are... -
Ditch the Itch: Avoiding Fungal Infections in the Summer
Although summer vacation has come to a close and the kids are headed back to class, the summertime weather is still here to stay. With the increased heat and humidity, your risk of developing a fungal... -
What's Going Around | Contact Dermatitis
Talk about uncomfortable! What’s Going Around this week causes itching, oozing and more itching. Contact dermatitis is a condition in which the skin becomes red, sore, or inflamed after direct contact... -
Centra Care Ugly Sweater Contest 2018 Official Rules
Centra Care Ugly Sweater Contest 2018 Official Rules -
Rash 101: Common Types of Skin Rashes
Skin rashes can signal anything from an allergic reaction to a plant or medication to more serious medical emergencies like meningococcemia or toxic shock syndrome (TSS). -
Ways To Cope With Stress
People from all walks of life experience stress. While stress can be beneficial, helping people improve skills that they need to handle and adapt to situations that pose danger, the benefits are... -
What's Going Around | Chicken Pox
Since the chickenpox vaccine was introduced in the U.S. in 1995, the number of chickenpox cases has fallen by as much as 90 percent. But over the past two weeks, AdventHealth Centra Care locations... -
Signs Your Cold Has Turned Into A Sinus Infection
While we may not think much of the common cold and simply just regard it as a minor seasonal annoyance, they can turn into something much worse. Every year, almost 31 million people experience some...
The Dangers of Uncooked Food
On food and cooking shows we’ve seen food enthusiasts trying out any adventurous dish that they are served. For show ratings, giving unconventional food a try is what brings viewers and ratings. But...