Recent Blogs
Health Care
4 Simple Health Goals to Help You Feel Whole This Year
Estimated read time:Here are some simple and effective steps you can take to make this year the year you feel your best in body, mind and spirit.
Coronavirus Resources
7 Ways to Brighten Your Spirits During Socially Distant Holidays
Estimated read time:’Tis the season to celebrate with loved ones. It’s the time of year when we gather to appreciate the gifts of friendship, family and connection — to feel thankful for what’s meaningful.
Health Care
COVID-19 Exposure? Here’s What to Do
Estimated read time:If you or your child have recently had a known exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, AdventHealth Centra Care is here to help. Here is what you should do:
Health Care
Getting Your Flu Shot Is Essential as COVID-19 Continues
Estimated read time:It’s official: The flu shot is more important than ever this flu season with COVID-19 still on the scene.
Health Care
You Should Get a Flu Shot if You’ve Had COVID-19: Here’s Why
Estimated read time:Do you need a flu vaccine if you have COVID-19 or if you’ve had it in the past? The short answer is an emphatic yes.
Health Care
Get a Flu Shot to Protect Your High-Risk Loved Ones
Estimated read time:Getting a flu shot is the single most important thing you can do to avoid the flu and minimize your symptoms if you happen to catch it.
Coronavirus Resources
Seniors, Don’t Skip Your Flu Shot This Season
Estimated read time:The process of developing a COVID-19 vaccine continues at a fast pace. Meanwhile, there’s another immunization that can go a long way toward keeping you healthy and safe this fall and winter...
Coronavirus Resources
Feeling Sick, But Not With COVID-19 Symptoms?
Estimated read time:We’re here to help you understand what to do and how to take care of yourself if you don’t feel well during the pandemic, but don’t think you have COVID-19 symptoms, either.
Health Care
How to Prevent the Spread of Germs When Coughing and Sneezing
Estimated read time:Properly covering your coughs and sneezes is very important to reduce spreading germs when you’re ill. While sneezing and coughing may not always be linked to a serious illness, they are symptoms of...